台中水晶專賣店 博客來精選推薦My Weekly Korean Vocabulary- With 1600+ Everyday Sample Expressions, With Audio Download Website


My Weekly Korean Vocabulary- With 1600+ Everyday Sample Expressions, With Audio Download Website

My Weekly Korean Vocabulary- With 1600+ Everyday Sample Expressions, With Audio Download Website 評價





My Weekly Korean Vocabulary- With 1600+ Everyday Sample Expressions, With Audio Download Website

就是我在研讀書籍~ 主因當然是因為類別喜歡啦~

而且難度來說~~ 還~~~算OK啦XD



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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary- With 1600+ Everyday Sample Expressions, With Audio Download Website


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If you are tired of memorizing vocabulary and seeing very little progress, this book offers an alternative way to learn and apply Korean vocabulary words and sentences to your life at whatever level of Korean you are comfortable with so you actually learn the words rather than simply memorizing. Each day you have one new keyword, and built upon that keyword are 20 additional phrases and sentences that get progressively longer. You can use this book as a 12-week study aid or as a reference book. Stash it in your backpack or purse to use a phrasebook when you’re traveling around Korea. It does not matter how to use this book or what your level of Korean is as long as you know how to read Hangeul! Whether you are a beginner or advanced Korean learner, everyone can benefit from using the My Weekly Korean Vocabulary book.Using this book, people studying Korean can learn essential vocabulary words and how the words are used. With 1,600+ natural sample sentences that are introduced in the book, learners of any level, from beginner to advanced, can improve their Korean vocabulary skills and speak more natural Korean. The illustrations in the book have been provided through an open Creative Commons collaboration in which listeners and supporters of Talk To Me In Korean submitted various artwork as visual aids for each of the vocabulary words in My Weekly Korean Vocabulary.Contents of the book:-84 key words to study with-20 sample sentences for each word-Vocabulary and grammar break-down notes


  • 作者: Talktomeinkorean (COR)
  • 原文出版社:Kong & Park Llc
  • 出版日期:2014/03/03
  • 語言:韓文

My Weekly Korean Vocabulary- With 1600+ Everyday Sample Expressions, With Audio Download Website


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